Why Pens are a marketing mainstay

The pen, in some capacity, has been used throughout history. Some earlier examples of the “pen” in the traditional sense date back as far as 3100bc, where a paste was used to scribe hieroglyphics on to papyrus. In this blog, we will explore the relevance and importance of the pen to your marketing campaign.

An essential product:

Pens are without a doubt, essential. There are no two ways about it. With the digital age engulfing us with wave upon on wave of brand new and innovative technologies, making our lives far easier than ever before. In combination with the rise of “in-hand” such as mobile phones and tablets, making it even easier to not use the humble pen. However, many a time, how often do you strive for a pen in order to, take down a number, scrawl a succinct note or leave a message for someone. Despite the advancement in technology, it still has a secure foothold in every household or business.

 Advertising Space:

Not only is the pen a household essential, they are a marketing essential also. The prevalence of the pen knows little bounds. The pen as a concept is painfully universal. It is an implement that is used across all countries, being used by those of all ages and backgrounds. It is very apparent that the pen makes for a great promotional product in the regard. With it being a product in, effectively everybody’s home, it makes for a ridiculously effective promotional product. This is for a myriad of reasons. One of the most prevalent aspects is that being that if the pen in question were to have a company logo or brand on it, it allows your customer to become familiar with your companies branding and name subconsciously. This means that further down the line if the said person requires your product or service down the line, it gives you a defined edge over your competitors in that regard. Another would be the secondary user of a pen, individuals that are a secondary consumer of your pen. The secondary consumer offers a unique position in that regard, this is often a friend or even relative of the customer, who see the product and can pose questions. Such as “where’d you get your pen from?” or “what logo does it have on it?” This allows you to access multiple audiences with something so humble and minute.

 Cost Effective:

The Grace Stylus Pen, available at Promo Parrot

A hugely beneficial thing about using pens as a marketing tool is the cost-effectiveness. Pens are a marvellous way to get more bang for your buck. They are a great product to buy in bulk, for a variety of situations or events. A good example would be a job or apprenticeship fair. The variety of promotional merchandise being exchanged during this time is unrivalled. It makes for a great way to get your promotional products out there. Another way of doing this is by leaving them in business-oriented locations. It is a common practice for individuals for representatives of companies to “accidentally” leave pens behind in buildings or meetings. This acts as a way of subtly advertising a company without being overly encroaching. It is also a cheaper alternative to advertising rather than other avenues such as PPC and SEO optimisation, or TV and Radio advertisements.

Speaking conclusively the humble pen is a great way to get your brand name out there, with its overall universal utility in combination with the sheer value for money.

For a wide variety of pens, shop at Promo Parrot, to find the right one for your marketing campaign!

Promo Parrot is your one-stop shop for all of your promotional product needs. For any further information about promotional products don’t hesitate to call us on 0113 3221010, alternatively, you can email us at sales@promoparrot.com.

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